Team leader
- Nardetto, Nicolas (Directeur de Recherche, CNRS)
Permanent members
- Bendjoya Philippe (Professeur des Universités, UniCA)
- Bigot Lionel (Chargé de Recherche, CNRS)
- Chami Malik (Professeurs des Universités)
- Chiavassa Andrea (Chargé de Recherche, CNRS)
- Corbard Thierry (Astronome Adjoint, CNAP)
- Creevey Orlagh (Astronome, CNAP, Valrose)
- Domiciano de Souza, Armando (Astronome-Adjoint, CNAP)
- Lagadec Eric (Astronome-Adjoint, CNAP)
- Lamberts Astrid (Chargé de Recherche, CNRS)
- Meilland Anthony (Chargé de Recherche, CNRS)
- Mourard Denis (Astronome, CNAP)
- Niccolini Gilles (Maitre de conférence)
- Stee Philippe (Directeur de Recherche, CNRS)
- Boileau Guillaume (CNES): progenitors of Gravitational Waves
- Galaudage Shanika (ANR COSMERGE): Progenitors of Gravitational Waves
- Ibanez-Bustos Romina (ERC ISSP): SPICA, surface-brightness color relations
- Perdigon Jeremy (ANR MASSIF): radiative transfer in massive stars
- Vrard Mathieu (ERC ISSP): SPICA, asteroseismology
PhD Students
- Abello Margaux (Defense 2025: supervisor A. Domiciano & A. Meilland): Study of massive stars
- Beguin Elysabeth (Defense 2025: supervisor A. Chiavassa): Study of evolved stars
- Jonak Juraj (Defense mid-2026: supervisor D. Mourard): binary stars
- Ebrahimkutty Nayeem (Defense mid-2026: supervisor D. Mourard & A; Domiciano): Limb-darkening of stars with CHARA/SPICA
- Bailleul Manon (Defense 2026: supervisor N. Nardetto): Surface Brighthness Color Relation of Cepheids
- Tomassini Gabriel (Defense 2027: supervisor E. Lagadec & A; Chiavassa): Evolved stars
- Felicio Sousa Solano (Defense 2027: supervisor A. Lamberts & N. Christensen): Towards an integrated vision of LISA data analysis, from instrumental noise to astrophysics
- Alice Perego (Defense 2027: supervisor N. Christine & A. Lamberts): Enabling multimessenger detections and science of Galactic binaries with LISA.
Former permanents or emerits
- Chapellier Eric (Astronome, CNAP)
- Chelli Alain (Astronome, CNAP)
- Dessart Luc (Chargé de Recherche, CNRS)
- Faurobert Marianne (Professeur, UniCA)
- Fossat Eric (Astronome, CNAP)
- Lanz Thierry (Astronome, CNAP)
- Mekarnia Djamel (Chargé de Recherche, CNRS)
- Michaut Claire (Directrice de Recherche, CNRS)
- Millour Florentin (Astronome-Adjoint, CNAP)
- Morel Pierre (Astronomer, CNAP)
- Provost Jeanine (Astronome, CNAP)
- Rabbia Yves (Astronome, CNAP)
- Thevenin Frédéric (Directeur de Recherche, CNRS)
- Vakili Farroh (Astronome, CNAP)
Former Post-Doctorants
- Mathis Houlle (ANR ExoVLTI) with Florentin Millour: Gravity+
- Ligi Roxanne (ERC ISSP) with Denis Mourard : SPICA, exoplanet host stars
- Cyril Pannetier (ERC ISSP) : SPICA Fringe Tracking
- Salabert David (CNES 2011-2013, CEA 2016-2017, Lagrange 2020, ISSP 2021-2024)
- Patru Fabien (SPICA 2019)
- Mastrogiovanni Simone (2021 ANR COSMERGE): statistical interpretation of BH coalescence
- Menezes Fabian (2021 ANR PEPPER): magneto-hydrodynamica modelling of evolved stars
Former PhDs
- Merle Thibault (defense 2012: supervisor L. Bigot & F. Thevenin): NLTE line transfer, Stellar atmosphere
- Ligi Roxanne (defense 2013, supervisor D. Mourard): exoplanet hos stars
- Daniel Moser Faes (defense 2015: supervisor A. Domiciano & A. Carciofi): Be Stars
- Rabah Ikhief (defense 2016, supervisor T. Corbard): atmosphere turbulence
- Khorrami Zeinab (defense 2016): adaptive optics of cluster R136
- Challouf Mounir (defense 2015: supervisor N. Nardetto & D. Mourard): Surface Brightness Color Relation
- Sulis Sophia (defense 2017: supervisor L. Bigot & D. Mary): Stellar Noise study and exoplanet detection
- Mac Donald Daniel (defense 2018: co-supervisor E. Lagadec): evolved stars
- Lisakov Sergey (defense 2018: supervisor L. Dessart): core collapse Supernova and progenitor
- Martinod Marc-Antoine (defense 2018: supervisor D. Mourard & K. Perraut): FRIEND instrument
- Soulain Anthony (defense 2018: supervisor F. Millour et B. Lopez): massive stars
- Kravchenko (defense 2019: supervisor Van Eck & A. Chiavassa): tomography of convective layers in evolved stars
- Bouchaud Kevin (defense 2019:supervisor A. Domiciano & D. Reese) : fast rotation
- Saldanha Elisson (defense 2020: supervisor A. Domiciano & A. Meilland): massive stars
- Hocdé Vincent (defense 2020: supervisor N. Nardetto & E. Lagadec): Cepheids environment
- Salsi Anthony (defense 2021: supervisor N. Nardetto & D. Moutard): Surface Brightness Color Relation
Maimone Maria Chiara (defense 2022: supervisor A. Chiavassa) : Atmosphere of exoplanet and host stars
- Palakkatharappil Dinil Bose (defense 2022: supervisor O. Creevey) : Age of stars
- Pannetier Cyril (Defense 2022: supersivor D. Mourard and F. Cassaing): SPICA fringe tracker
- Perdigon Jeremy (Defense 2022: supervisor M. Faurobert & G. Niccolini): Radiative tranfert in circumstellar environment
- Drevon Julien (Defense 2023: supervisor P. Cruzalebes & F. Millour): Evolved stars with MATISSE/VLTI
- Srinivasan Rahul (Defense 2023: supervisor A. Lamberts & Maris-Anne Bizouard): Black Hole in Universe
- Bruel Tristan (Defense 2024: supervisor A. Lamberts): Study of Black Holes binaries in formation channels
updated on 2024-10-03