Born 25/11/1966 in Monaco; Married, three children
Scientific interests
Geophysics: Seismic wave modeling, inverse problem theory, seismic imaging by least-squares migration and full waveform inversion, seismic data processing, processing and inversion of land and ocean bottom seismic data
Education & carreer
2014 - present: Senior research scientist CNRS (DR2)
2006: "Habilitation à diriger les recherches"
2001 - 2014: Research scientist (rank 1) CNRS, Geoazur Institute
1998 - 2001: Research scientist (rank 2) CNRS, Geoazur Institute
1991-1995: Ph.D. Marine Geophysics, Structure and origine of the submarine Kerguelen plateau (austral Indian ocean): geodynamical implications. Modeling of marine wide-angle seismic data, University Paris 6
1990-1991: M. Sc. Géodynamique des marges océaniques et des chaines de montagne, University of Nice
1986--1989: Engineering degree, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers (ENSAM), Aix-en-Provence, Paris
Professional experience
1998--Present: CNRS research scientist, Geoazur Institute, Sophia-Antipolis, France
1996--1997: Post-doctoral fellow, Institute for Geophysics, Ecole des Mines de Paris, Fontainebleau, France
1995--1996: Post-doctoral fellow, Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas, Austin, United States
Honors & Awards
2021: Geophysics bright spots for "On efficient frequency-domain full-waveform inversion with extended search space" by H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami and S. Operto. Geophysics,, 86(2), R237--R252, 2021.
2014: Honorable mention in the category of Best paper in Geophysics for "Computationally-efficient three-dimensional acoustic finite-difference frequency-domain seismic modeling in vertical transversely isotropic media with sparse direct solver" by S. Operto et al.
2011: Geophysics bright spots for "Joint ray+Born least-squares migration and simulated annealing optimization for target-oriented quantitative seismic imaging", (co-authored with A. Ribodetti, W. Agudelo, J. Y. Collot and J. Virieux)
2009, 2012: Outstanding reviewer Geophysical Journal International
2009: Geophysics bright spots for "Seismic imaging of complex onshore structures by two-dimensional elastic frequency-domain full waveform inversion", (co-authored with R. Brossier and J. Virieux)
2008: Best paper in Geophysics for "Velocity model-building by 3D frequency-domain full-waveform inversion of wide-aperture seismic data", (co-authored with Hafedh Ben Hadj Ali and Jean Virieux)
2006: Top 30 presentation at SEG Annual Meeting for "3D frequency-domain finite-difference modeling of acoustic wave propagation using a massively parallel direct solver: a feasibility study" (co-authored with J. Virieux, P. Amestoy, J. -Y. L'Excellent) and "2D fine-scale velocity model of the subduction channel in Gulf of Guayaquil by integrated PSDM and simulated annealing optimization" (co-authored with A. Ribodetti, W. Agudelo, J. -Y. Collot)
2005: Louis Cagniard Award, EAGE, Best poster presentation Annual Meeting, Madrid 1995 (co-authored with J. Virieux and J. -X. Dessa).
1995: AGU Highlights for "Multiscale seismic imaging of the eastern Nankai trough by full waveform inversion (co-authored with J. X. Dessa, S. Kodaira, A. Nakanishi, G. Pascal, J. Virieux and Y. Kaneda).
Post-doctoral fellows & Students adviser
- 2002: Bernhard Hustedt (Main supervisor: J. Virieux), Ph. D., Propagation des ondes: approches espace et ondelettes, University of Nice.
- 2003: Céline Ravaut (supervisor: S. Operto), Ph. D., Tomographie sismique haute r\'esolution de la croute terrestre: inversion combinée des temps de trajet et des formes d'ondes de donn\'ees de sismique réfraction - réflexion grand-angle multitrace, University Paris 6.
- 2009: Romain Brossier (co-supervisors: S. Operto & J. Virieux), Ph. D., Imagerie sismique à deux dimensions des milieux visco-élastiques par inversion des formes d'ondes : développements méthodologiques et applications, University of Nice.2009:
- Hafedh Ben Hadj Ali (co-supervisors: S. Operto & J. Virieux), Ph. D., Three dimensional visco-acoustic frequency-domain full waveform inversion, University of Nice.
- 2011: Vincent Etienne (co-supervisors: S. Operto & J. Virieux), Ph. D., Modélisation des ondes sismiques dans des milieux élastiques 3D : application à l'inversion des formes d'onde., University of Nice}.
- 2012: Vincent Prieux (co-supervisors: S. Operto & J. Virieux), Ph. D., Imagerie du champ pétrolier de Valhall par inversion des formes d'onde élastique, University of Nice.
- 2012: Guanghui Hu (co-supervisors: S. Operto & J. Virieux), Ph. D., Imagerie 3D du champ pétrolier de Valhall par inversion des formes d'onde 3D, University of Grenoble.
- 2012: Yaser Gholami (co-supervisors: S. Operto & A. Ribodetti), Ph. D., Imagerie des milieux anisotropes par inversion de formes d'onde, University of Nice.
- 2012: Damien Pageot (co-supervisors: S. Operto & M. Vallée), Ph. D., Imagerie lithosphérique à partir de données télésismiques par inversion des formes d'onde, University of Nice.2014: Clara
- 2016: Castellanos (supervisor: S. Gaffet & S. Operto), Ph. D., Méthodes de régularisation et encodage de sources en inversion des formes d'ondes, University of Nic
- 2017: Stephen Beller (supervisors: S. Operto, V. Monteiller, G. Nolet), Ph. D., Lithospheric imaging from teleseismic data by full waveform inversion, University of Nice.
- 2016: Wei Zhou (supervisors: R. Brossier, S. Operto, J. Virieux), Ph. D., Velocity model building from seismic reflection data by full waveform inversion, Université Joseph Fourier.
- 2017: Borhan Tavakoli (supervisors: A. Ribodetti, J. Virieux, S. Operto): Adjoint slope tomography.
- 2019: Hossein Aghamiry (supervisors: A. Gholami & S. Operto): FWI with TV regularization.
- 2021: Serge Sambolian (supervisors: S. Operto & A. Ribodetti): Adjoint slope tomography.
- 2022: Xiaole Zhou (main supervisors: Pr. Ling Chen & Pr. Haiqiang Lan). 3D slope tomography based on eikonal solver and the adjoint-state method.
- 2023: Yanqi Wu (main supervisor: Pr. Ma). FWI and deep learning.
- 2024: Frichnel-Wilma Mamfoumbi-Ozoumet (supervisor: S. Operto): FWI for node data.
- 2024: Gaoshan Guog (supervisor: S. Operto). Applications of fime-domain extended FWI.
- 2025: Najmieh Mohammadi (main supervisors: S. Beller & V. Monteiller). Imaging the Alps from Alparray teleseismic data by FWI.
- 2023-...: Ricardo Caiza (supervisors: S. Beller and S. Operto). Elastic FWI of multi-component OBN data: application to eastern Nankai, Japan, and Gorgon field, western Australia.
- 2023-...: Corentin Pedebidou (supervisors: Pierre Jolivet (LIP6) and S. Operto). Large-scale 3D frequency-domain FWI with hybrid direct/iterative solver.
- 2023-...: Theo Rolin (supervisors: D. Auroux (LJAD) and S. Operto): Time-lapse 3D freqyency-domain FWI: algorithm and applications to OBN data in the north sea.
- 2001-2003 Jean-Xavier Dessa, post-doctoral fellow
- 2005-2006 Matthieu Delost, post-doctoral fellow
- 2005-2008 Florent Sourbier, research enginneer in computational geosciences
- 2010-2012 Vincent Etienne, research enginneer in computational geosciences
- 2013-2016: Vadim Monteiller, research engineer
- 2019-...: Hossein Aghamiry, associate reasearcher.
- 2021-...: Stephen Beller, associate researcher.
- 2023-2024: Xiaole Zhou, associate researcher. Slope tomography for space multi-component node acquisition
Master degrees
2009: Amedi Blessing (M1, MathMods, ERASMUS Mundus)}
2009: Jade Rachel Garcia (M1, MathMods, ERASMUS Mundus)}
2008: Vincent Prieux (M2P, G\'eosciences, Exploration et Risques, Grenoble University)
Research funding and project management
- 2021-2024: PI of the Lisalps project. Funded by ANR AAPG 2020. Probing the 3D Alpine lithosphere by Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) of the AlpArray teleseismic data
- 2020-2022: PI of the WIND (Waveform Inversion of Node Data) project. Petroleum consortium funded by Chevron, Petrobras, Shell and Total.
- 2006 -- 2013: co-PI (with J. Virieux) of the petroleum SEISCOPE consortium ( funded by BP, CGGVeritas, ENI, ExxonMobil, PETROBRAS, SaudiAramco, Shell, Statoil, Total (industry funding)
- 2005 -- 2009: PI of the SEISCOPE ANR project (Academic funding), 450Keuros
- 2005-2006: DYETI, seismic tomography of the crust from wide-angle seismic data
- 2002-2005: ATIP "jeunes chercheurs"
- 2002: OCEANS, processing of OBS data from the SFJ-OBS experiment.
- 1998: ACI "Jeunes chercheurs"
Invited talks
- 2022 On the role of source extension in extended FWI: Beyond the Born approximation, Annual EAGE meeting, Workshop
- 2020 Robust Full Waveform Inversion for sparse ultra-long offset OBN data, H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami and S. Operto,EAGE workshop, EAGE Seabed Seismic Today: Acquisition to Application, Abu Dhabi (online conference).
- 2019 Extending the search space of Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) by the Alternating Direction method of Multiplier (ADMM). H. Aghamiri, A. Gholami and S. Operto, SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences.
- 2019 Implementing bound constraints and hybrid total-variation (TV) regularization in Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion with the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers, H. Aghamiri, A. Gholami and S. Operto, SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences.
- 2018 (keynote speaker): Next leap forward in seismic imaging of the earth's crust: Full Waveform Inversion of 3D 4C OBS data, SEISMIX, Cracow, Poland.
- 2018 FDWIN project: Pushing the limits of 3D frequency-domain FWI for multi-component stationary-recording acquisitions, Depth Imaging Workshop, Total, Pau.
- 2017 Full Waveform Inversion: Principles, state of the art and future challenges, GDR Ondes Assemblée Générale, Session GT3 - Capteurs, Imagerie et Inversion.
- 2015 Full Waveform Inversion in earthquake seismology - Application to lithospheric imaging from teleseismic data, S. Beller, V. Monteiller, L. Combe, G. Nolet and S. Operto, RESIF meeting, La Grande Motte.
- 2015 SEG FWI Workshop: filling the gaps, Abu Dhabi, Keynote speaker, Efficient 3D frequency-domain FWI of OBC data with sparse direct solver: a real data case study from the North Sea.
- 2015 Workshop Multi-scale waveform modeling & Inversion, KAUST University, Efficient 3D frequency-domain FWI of OBC data with sparse direct solver: a real data case study from the North Sea.
- 2015 Full Waveform Inversion (FWI): The quest for resolution in seismic imaging & tomography, Journées portes ouvertes de l'Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur.
- 2014 Seismic imaging of the Earth interior by Full Waveform Inversion (FWI): from theory to practice. S. Operto, Séminaire MAD (Mathématiques pour l'analyse de données), Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur.
- 2014 Seismic imaging of the Earth interior by Full Waveform Inversion (FWI). S. Operto. Journée inaugurale du mésocentre SIGAMM, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur.
- 2013 Multiparameter full waveform inversion of multicomponent data: what have we learnt from the Valhall case study, R. Brossier, C. Castellanos, Y. Gholami, L. Métivier, S. Operto, V. Prieux, A. Ribodetti and J. Virieux, Workshop of the Society of Exploration Geophysics, W11 Advances in model building, imaging and FWI
- 2013 (keynote speaker) Multiparameter full waveform inversion with multicomponent data: some insights from the Valhall case study, S. Operto, R. Brossier, C. Castellanos, Y. Gholami, L. Métivier, V. Prieux, A. Ribodetti and J. Virieux, 13th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Rio de Janeiro
- 2012 Some updates of the SEISCOPE consortium: Multiparameter FWI and efficient optimization algorithms, TOTAL workshop - Imaging algorithms.
- 2008 (keynote speaker) On the applicability of full waveform tomography to low-frequency/long-offset vibroseis data, S. Operto, M. Malinowski, L. Improta and J. Virieux, EAGE Vibroseis Workshop, Prague.
Teaching experience
- 2006: Summer school on global-offset seismic imaging - Lectures on finite-difference frequency-domain seismic modeling and full waveform inversion (
- 2012: Training course on seismic modeling and full waveform inversion (30 hours) - PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- 2013: Short course FWI (8 hours) SBGf (Brazilian Geophysical Society).
- 2018: Seismic wave modeling & FWI, Master 2, Geophysics, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis
- 2021: Short course FWI (8 hours). SBGf (Brazilian Geophysical Society).
Editorial service
2013--2019: Associate Editor at Geophysics
2009: Guest Associate Editor at Geophysics for the special issue on "New advances on seismic imaging and inversion".
Reviewer: Geophysics, Geophysical Prospecting, Geophysical Journal International, Journal of Geophysical Research, Computer & Geosciences, Geophysical Reseach Letters, PAGEOPH.
Graduate & HDR commitees
- 2009 (examiner) R. E. Plessix, HDR., University of Grenoble.
- 2009 (reviewer) R. Madec, Ph. D., University of Pau.
- 2009 (reviewer) L. Métivier, Ph. D., University Paris 13.
- 2010 (examiner) F. Bretaudeau, Ph. D., University of Nantes.
- 2010 (examiner) H. Chauris, HDR., University of Paris 6 - Mines ParisTech.
- 2010 (guest) A. Rhomdane, Ph. D., University of Paris 6.
- 2010 (examiner) E. Maufroy, University of Nice.
- 2011 (external reviewer) L. Guasch, Imperial College, London.
- 2014 (reviewer) D. Borisov, University of Paris 6 - IPGP.
- 2015 (examiner) F. Wang, Mines ParisTech.
- 2016 (external reviewer) G. Huot, University of Paris 6 - IPGP.
- 2018 (external reviewer) Y. Lu, University of Grenoble Alpes.
- 2018 (examiner) A. Buttari, HDR, ENSIETT.
- 2020 (examiner) T. Zhou, Mines Paris Tech.
2008: Workshop of the annual EAGE meeting, Roma - Full waveform inversion - current status and perspectives (with Wim Mulder and René-Edouard Plessix)
Professional membership
Field experience (marine seismic cruises)
2002: MEDISIS cruise - Multichannel seismic (MCS) reflection experiment, Nil delta and Mediterannean ridge. Chief scientist: J. Mascle
2000: SISTEUR cruise - MCS and OBS refraction surveys, offshore Equador - Colombia subduction margins. Co-chief scientists: J.Y. Collot and Ph. Charvis
1999: GEOLIG2D cruse - OBS seismic refraction survey, offshore Ligurian basin. Chief scientist: S. Operto
1995: TAICRUST experiment. MCS and OBS seismic surveys, offshore Taiwan. Co-chief scientists: Yosio Nakamura et T-K Wang
1995: TICOSECT experiment (UTIG-GEOMAR). OBS survey offshore Costa Rica. Chief scientist : Kirk McIntosh
1993: REUSIS cruise - MCS and OBS surveys, offshore Reunion island. Co-chiefs scisntists: Philippe Charvis and Béatrice de Voogdt
1991: MD/66 KeOBS experiment. OBS survey over submarine Kerguelen plateau. Chief scientist: Philippe Charvis
Scientific production
108 peer-reviewed articles.
6 book chapters.
153 conference proceedings.
h index: 42 (Isi Web of knowledge), 56 (Google scholar).