Intense training in observational astrophysics
Following the Fundamental Courses, a deep training in all aspect of observational astrophysics is understaken. Two weeks at the University are dedicated to lectures and hands-on sessions on astrophysical objects and data anlaysis technics. Two week are then spent at the Calern observatory to work by night with the twin 1m C2PU telescopes, to observe and analyze data within mini-research projects.
- Astrophysical objects
- Exoplanets, Planets, Asteroids
- Stars, Clusters
- Nebulae
- Galaxies
- Observing technics
- Astrometry
- Photometry
- Spectroscopy
- Speckle interferometry
- End-to-end mini-research project
- Proposal for observing time
- Prepartion of observations
- Observations
- Data reduction
- Data analysis

Examples of data taken by MAUCA students.
At the telescope, the first week is dedicated to hands-on sessions: lightcurves of asteroids, color-magnitude diagram of stellar clusters, galaxy clusters, spectra of stars, nebulae, and planets, speckle interferometry of binary stars, etc.
During the second week, students conduct a small research project from A to Z: observing proposal, observations, data reduction, analysis, and report.
Check out some exemples of data taken by students and used in their reports!
Calern and C2PU. Telescope and logding.
The two weeks of night observations are spent at Calern observatory, in the French Alps. The cost of the lodging is paid by the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (OCA).
Everyone works all night, observing with the twin 1m professional C2PU telescopes, reducing and analyzing data. Teachers are constantly present, giving lectures and advices.
Meals are taken at the restaurant of the Observatory. Great ambiance!