

Beta Lyrae is a complex star studied since 1830 and has been the subject of more than 850 publications. The coordination of photometric, spectroscopic and interferometric observations (NPOI, CHARA / MIRC and VEGA) made it possible to set up a first article (Mourard et al., 2018, arXiv: 1807.04789) which provides a global model reproducing at the same time all photometric (i.e. from UDV domain to infrared) observations, as well as interferometric data (code SHELLSPEC). This analysis provides a consistent understanding of the object, whose figure above gives a representation.

The figures shows the structure of the accretion disk as well as its temperature profile. The article also demonstrates that the disk is not in hydrostatic equilibrium and that a mass transfer is at work, from the star to the dic with the appearance of a hot spot. None of the datasets taken individually can achieve this result and it is from the analysis of the relative weight attributed to this or that type of observation that the overall understanding could be built. The analysis of the spectroscopic data, currently in progress, will allow for its part to complete the description by an analysis of the kinematics in the disk, the further characterization of the hot spot (Halpha and helium line), as well as the perpendicular jet.